Saturday, March 13, 2010

The BASICS - Everything you need to know!

Hi Everyone! These are my findings after everything I've tried over my lifetime. I have finally figured out what works and it's so easy I'm hostile that I struggled for so long.

Please consult your doctor before trying any new diet plans! I am sharing what I have finally figured out after a lifelong weight battle.

If you are interested, please check back in the future. I have been approached to be a diet coach and am considering becoming one after I finish my current project.

The Basics: What you eat is most important. Do not waste your time eating bland typical diet foods. That’s only a temporary solution that will backfire sooner or later.
Eat every single 1-3 hours continuously all day and night from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep! If you are thinking today I am feeling like I can eat a light dinner and get to bed early without eating again, my answer is: It will come back and haunt you in the near future. Do not go hungry, deprived or ever let your stomach growl!

I started incorporating healthy fats into ALL my meals and snacks. There is something about eating natural healthy fats (in small portions) continuously all day that keeps you feeling settled.

The healthy fats that I enjoy are: Avocados, Olives (plain), Nuts & Seeds (I use mainly unsalted almonds), oils-polyunsaturated(I use olive oil) and dark chocolate (I use 70% cocoa).

Serving size: Avocado = ¼ avocado at a time
Olives=12 medium at a time
Oils= 2-3 Tablespoons at a time
Dark Chocolate=1-2 squares of a bar
Nuts/seeds= Fit into small palm of your hand

I eat unlimited vegetables of every single kind. When it comes to fruits, I try to focus on berries - mainly blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. Serving size=one cup at a time

Switch all breads, pasta, wraps, cereals, flour, rice etc. to whole grains and only use ones with extra high fiber. I will blog all the brands I use that meet these requirements. Only use the recommended serving size on the package when you eat them.

Section 4 DAIRY
I use skim, 0% fat dairy products like skim milk, Greek yogurt and Weight Watchers cheeses. Once again, use only the servings size recommended on the package. If you can’t find the 0% fat versions of dairy, the higher fat ones are just fine in the recommended serving size.

Read labels and if you see any of the ingredients I’m about to list, find another version of the same food without them! As simple as that is, it really works and you can find the exact same things made without these ingredients somewhat easily. Do not eat things with:

1. Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated Oil.
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup.
3. Enriched or Bleached Flour.
4. Trans Fats. (eat only small portions of saturated fats).
5. Sugar (if sugar is in the 1st 3 ingredients listed it’s probably a bad choice).

You would be shocked by how many innocent looking items have these ingredients in them. Some are yogurt, condiments, bread, cereal, muffins, etc. You may think you are okay because of low calorie information, but it does not work. Trust me, I have been there and tried that countless times.

Also, avoid Bars (energy, protein, diet, etc), Prepackaged Diet Shakes or any foods that are not in their original natural state. Whole real foods will leave you more satisfied in the long run. Look for things with the smallest amount of ingredients. There are so many options that I will blog about.

Go ahead and eat any other foods not mentioned yet. However eat them in small portions only. A small portion is what would fit inside your palm or hand. Positively try to avoid processed and prepackaged food. Eat whole real foods in their original state whenever possible. Proteins I feel are good but not as the main source of food. Positively do not eat processed meats that contain sodium nitrites in them (read the label). I focus more on whole grains, vegetables and healthy fats while always eating a moderate amount of protein in correct portions.

Section 7 EXERCISE
Do exercise at least 4-5 days a week. I try an intensely hard workout 1-2 times a week. The rest of the days, my number one form of astonishing, results producing exercise is WALKING BRISKLY AT AN INCLINE. I set the treadmill at elevation 11-13 and walk anywhere from 20-45 minutes at speeds of 3.5-4.2. I seem to get measurably, noticeable results from this. If you do nothing else, try the healthy fats and the WALKING. I cannot emphasize the WALKING enough. It is freaky how well it works! Of course there are many other varying, awesome workouts that I do that I will blog about…

I try to drink 4 cups of green tea daily. I fill a pitcher full of water every morning and drink the whole thing in one day. I also usually drink one coconut water daily.

Section 9 PRIORITY
Make grocery shopping, keeping your kitchen stocked, updating your shopping list a priority. It’s very dangerous to not have LOTS of choices readily available to eat. If you are going to be away from your home for over 3 hours, pack a lunchbox with food! If you don’t do this, you will pay for it later when you make a bad choice. Have packaging items and food ready to go in a hurry. Easiest thing to grab is a tiny container of almonds. Keep a stock of them.


  1. Bita you are inspirational! Thanks for this blog!

  2. Thank Bita, I hope to have the wonderful result you have had. I will keep everyone posted
