Thursday, March 4, 2010

Opening Comments

Hi, my name is Bita and at age 44, I am FINALLY SKINNY and very easily staying skinny after a lifelong struggle with managing my weight. For the first time ever in my life, I AM A SIZE 4 and the clothes are loose fitting. I am actually 9 pounds under my dream goal weight. I am shocked how easy it is. Actually, I'm HOSTILE about how easy it is to be finally skinny.

You don't need any gimmicks, products, supplements anything at all. You don't need to kill yourself with exercise and will power. All those results are just temporary. It is all about avoiding making bad choices! You don't ever need to use will power, deprivation, hunger to be skinny and stay that way. It is so much easier for me to maintain my size 4 than it ever was to maintain my larger sizes. I worked my butt off when I was heavier. Now it's so easy I am hostile. Why did I waste half a lifetime of frustration dealing with my weight?

I don't have a medical degree or anything like that. I just figured it all out why some people are just naturally skinny and it doesn't seem to be any effort. It's all about understanding food and not being afraid to eat, even when you think you're not hungry. Any kind of deprivation will come back and haunt you someday. Don't ever feel like you had a day that you didn't eat much and you did good. That does not work!!!

Based on an enormous amount of requests I get every single day, I am considering blogging how I did it and what I eat and do for exercise. I think this is the best way to explain the concept of how easy skinny is.

I will be sharing what I have figured out from my own personal experiences of what has finally worked so easily. This information may not sound typical because its not about just losing the weight, it's about how to never struggle again. I have information on how to easily eat out, go to parties and be around food. My biggest downfalls for me previously are non issues now.

It works so easily for me that I want to share with more people so that they can enjoy looking in the mirror and thinking "Oh my goodness is that me?" in a good way! Also, I feel like a broken down record trying to explain to so many people who are stopping me and asking how I did this. It's hard to explain in a conversation.

My first post will be The Basics-Everything you need to know which summarizes everything !!!

Thanks so much!


  1. Please start blogging! I need your help! You look amazing!

  2. Beta,
    You know me by face and I would like to see if you would consider being a coach. I currently do not have tons of extra money but would love for you to put me on a day by day diet to help me acieve what you have.

  3. same idea:
